Location Details

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3.3333 (View all ratings.)
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Location (Update this location.)

Location details : Flaherty's Arden Bowl
1273 W. Co. Rd. E.
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Environment : Bowling alley
Homepage : http://www.flahertysbowl.com/
Hours :
Amenities :
Updated : 2007-06-14 08:40:40
Jenn M.

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
The Lord of the Rings Good
no ring spinner, hilariously tilted to
the right
2011-06-19 16:36:40
The Sopranos Tolerable
right orbit hasnt worked since '99

2011-06-19 16:35:47
TRON : Legacy Great

50 cents
2011-09-04 21:56:15
Charlie's Angels Horrible
Afrikan women young and old does have it
harder!   Remember the systihstem was
not designed for us but yet we still
want to force ourselves to fit in!We
have so many issue from A-Z and in
between but we refuse to acknowledge or
accept them to work on them
Afrikan women young and old does have it
harder!   Remember the systihstem was
not designed for us but yet we still
want to force ourselves to fit in!We
have so many issue from A-Z and in
between but we refuse to acknowledge or
accept them to work on them
2015-10-12 05:21:27
Anonymous coward

Comments (Add a comment.)

Last 5 comments :
2012-02-18 23:14:47
Since the machines above were listed heref recently but I didn't see
them. As for the machines they did have (Family Guy and Creature From
the Black Lagoon) I have to agree that they are in bad shape.
2010-10-09 18:30:54
all the tables here are extremely unlevel  and poorly maintained.  
(View all comments.)

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