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3.5 (View all ratings.)
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Location details : Bunny's
5916 Excelsior Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Environment : Bar
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Updated : 2008-04-05 17:10:38

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
Indiana Jones Great
2009-01-24 02:53:43
Batman:Dark Knight Good
Ball lodged between action figure and
crane arm, does not affect active play
but missing pinball causes software
2009-01-24 02:53:13
Monte Carlo Bad
WOW that last part was intense it felt
like i was acllauty shooting for that
8ball haha in a small SMALL way, it
feels like the urgency of taxi kinda, im
gonna check this out on the emulator
WOW that last part was intense it felt
like i was acllauty shooting for that
8ball haha in a small SMALL way, it
feels like the urgency of taxi kinda, im
gonna check this out on the emulator
2012-09-30 23:59:30
Anonymous coward
Airborne Good
Awesome!Since the DCS platform is such a
nice statnirg point, I take it the
improvement in sound is more than enough
to not warrant going through the extra
trouble of a adding a subwoofer
cross-over and backbox volume control
like the kits have?Could you 
Awesome!Since the DCS platform is such a
nice statnirg point, I take it the
improvement in sound is more than enough
to not warrant going through the extra
trouble of a adding a subwoofer
cross-over and backbox volume control
like the kits have?Could you 
2015-10-12 04:58:36
Anonymous coward
Whirlwind Bad
Aces, I'm a geek gurl and love the
outfits and sentitgs. Why can't geeks
have a high end New York style mag. Love
the pictures, and models. Howard has a
beautiful eye and Ralph has style.
Anyone that can put cap America and
chewie in a penthouse suite wit
Aces, I'm a geek gurl and love the
outfits and sentitgs. Why can't geeks
have a high end New York style mag. Love
the pictures, and models. Howard has a
beautiful eye and Ralph has style.
Anyone that can put cap America and
chewie in a penthouse suite wit
2015-11-13 03:33:09
Anonymous coward

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2008-12-06 08:08:08
Free taco bar 10-11p M-Th 11p-12a F
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