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Location details : White Bear Bowl
1600 Cedar Ave
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Environment : Bowling alley
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Updated : 2008-04-05 18:11:28

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
Theatre of Magic Good
Game plays smoothly. Decent volume. Some
lights out of course. There
seems to be an issue with the trap door
going haywire, but doesn't
affect gameplay to badly. Every once in
a while the machine seems to
pause for several seconds. 
$1/3 Credits!!!
2012-02-10 12:29:18
Whirlwind Tolerable
), and, if they could negotiate the
rhtigs(I doubt it, but ya never know),
Sega Pinball  Though it's too early for
a Stern Pinball collection(I mean,
theyr'e the only remaining pinball
manufacturers left these days, and we
want them to keep going, don't w
), and, if they could negotiate the
rhtigs(I doubt it, but ya never know),
Sega Pinball  Though it's too early for
a Stern Pinball collection(I mean,
theyr'e the only remaining pinball
manufacturers left these days, and we
want them to keep going, don't w
2012-05-16 06:38:46
Anonymous coward
Space Jam Good
i;ve been as far as the boats. spy
hunter goes to show you old scohol games
are hard. if you into racing , try this
on for size and see how fast you run
back to grand trisom 5 (ect)  and for
all you call of duty buffs , i suggest
you try any one of the si
i;ve been as far as the boats. spy
hunter goes to show you old scohol games
are hard. if you into racing , try this
on for size and see how fast you run
back to grand trisom 5 (ect)  and for
all you call of duty buffs , i suggest
you try any one of the si
2012-05-18 04:26:45
Anonymous coward
Jurassic Park Tolerable
LOL that is literally every stneros
response to anyone who doesnt like weed.
I dont mind weed, what i dont like, is
all the stneros are all fucking
retarded. Not cause they do weed, they
are just mostly naturally fucking
stupid. Take you for example. The 
LOL that is literally every stneros
response to anyone who doesnt like weed.
I dont mind weed, what i dont like, is
all the stneros are all fucking
retarded. Not cause they do weed, they
are just mostly naturally fucking
stupid. Take you for example. The 
2012-05-18 04:27:09
Anonymous coward
Atlantis Tolerable
Wow!!! It looks amazing Anna, rellay I
love what you've done.  Your style comes
through with the design, prints and
patterns...and love that you've shown
people you can achieve all this on a
budget too!  Thanks so much for letting
us into your home during
Wow!!! It looks amazing Anna, rellay I
love what you've done.  Your style comes
through with the design, prints and
patterns...and love that you've shown
people you can achieve all this on a
budget too!  Thanks so much for letting
us into your home during
2014-06-24 20:28:17
Anonymous coward
Avengers Pro Good
Your house is beautiful Anna, that
re-upholstered chair is stninung, as are
the cushions. Love your display of
perfume bottles and the vintage poster.
I agree that with a good eye, everything
can be done on a budget and looking
stylish at the same time (a
Your house is beautiful Anna, that
re-upholstered chair is stninung, as are
the cushions. Love your display of
perfume bottles and the vintage poster.
I agree that with a good eye, everything
can be done on a budget and looking
stylish at the same time (a
2015-10-12 07:04:13
Anonymous coward

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