Location Details

Rating average :
3 (View all ratings.)
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Location (Update this location.)

Location details : Musée Mécanique
Pier 45 Fisherman's Wharf
At the end of Taylor St
San Francisco, CA 94133
Environment : Amusement place
Homepage : http://www.museemecaniquesf.com/
Hours :
Mon-Fri 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat-Sun 10:00am-8:00pm
Holidays 10:00am-8:00pm 
Amenities :
Wheelchair Accessible 
One of the world's largest (over 200) privately owned collection of
coin-operated mechanical musical instruments and antique arcade
machines in their original working condition. (You can play them!)
Free Admission Every Day!
Updated : 2008-12-11 11:03:53

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure Good
2008-12-11 11:04:11
Pirates of the Caribbean Great
2008-12-11 11:04:23
The Addams Family Good
2009-01-10 10:59:44
Anonymous coward
Sorcerer Great
Good last ball!.    Good last ball!. Can
you upload a video with the bcgaalkss
balls and the start of the machine? I
really appreciatte 'cause i remember
those days when i play this  300 .
Good last ball!.    Good last ball!. Can
you upload a video with the bcgaalkss
balls and the start of the machine? I
really appreciatte 'cause i remember
those days when i play this  300 .
2012-04-24 13:38:21
Anonymous coward
Tri Zone Unknown
I have not read The Davinci Code and do
not intend to.  Nor did I read THE
SECRET.  I admit, a while back when I
was young and foioslh, swayed more my
the mass public opinion, I did in fact
dreadful.The last totally 
I have not read The Davinci Code and do
not intend to.  Nor did I read THE
SECRET.  I admit, a while back when I
was young and foioslh, swayed more my
the mass public opinion, I did in fact
dreadful.The last totally 
2014-06-24 08:26:15
Anonymous coward
Starship Troopers Bad
) love this. So there's this one
restaurant in Albuquerque, NM, that
makes THE BEST ttaiollrs and since I
can't get them out here in GA, my mom
sends them to us (they're that good).
What we usually do is freeze them when
we get them, and we put coffee fil
) love this. So there's this one
restaurant in Albuquerque, NM, that
makes THE BEST ttaiollrs and since I
can't get them out here in GA, my mom
sends them to us (they're that good).
What we usually do is freeze them when
we get them, and we put coffee fil
2015-10-12 05:30:10
Anonymous coward
El Dorado Horrible
The fat man and the cadaver.NPR for
truth and seincce?  No way.  Monthly
severe weather?  It hasn't happened. 
Sandy was nowhere near the size of the
1938 Noreaster or many earlier
hurricanes that hit New York and New
Jersey.  It is not evidence for anyth
The fat man and the cadaver.NPR for
truth and seincce?  No way.  Monthly
severe weather?  It hasn't happened. 
Sandy was nowhere near the size of the
1938 Noreaster or many earlier
hurricanes that hit New York and New
Jersey.  It is not evidence for anyth
2015-11-13 03:44:50
Anonymous coward

Comments (Add a comment.)

Last 5 comments :
2008-12-11 11:05:12
Love this place, always worth a visit when in SF. There are more
tables than I listed, I haven't been in since 06.
(View all comments.)

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