Location Details

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4 (View all ratings.)
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Location (Update this location.)

Location details : Wenqin
725 Chestnut Ridge Road
Morgantown, WV, WV 26505
Environment : Restaurant
Homepage : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003437013483
Hours :
They had a little flea maekrt type carnival area with a caged ferris
wheel there which my cousin really wanted to go on, but me being the
one who doesn't like to spin I said'  no way.  She kept begging me,
and I finally gave in and took her over there.  When they stopped us
at the top to let some other people out it didn't start back up with
the same jerk it normally does, then as we went by the bottom I
noticed the ride operator, my dad, and my uncle had gloves on stopping
the ride by hand because the brakes had gone out. Lets just say I will
never get one a flea maekrt ride again.
Amenities :
They had a little flea maekrt type carnival area with a caged ferris
wheel there which my cousin really wanted to go on, but me being the
one who doesn't like to spin I said'  no way.  She kept begging me,
and I finally gave in and took her over there.  When they stopped us
at the top to let some other people out it didn't start back up with
the same jerk it normally does, then as we went by the bottom I
noticed the ride operator, my dad, and my uncle had gloves on stopping
the ride by hand because the brakes had gone out. Lets just say I will
never get one a flea maekrt ride again.
Updated : 2013-06-21 14:22:32
Anonymous coward

Machines (Add a machine.)

Machine Condition  Notes / Price Updated    
No Fear: Dangerous Sports Tolerable
Right flipper is angled funny but still
allows for accurate shooting to Tube,
left loop and left ramp.  Top of
playfield items like Track and Skull
seem to be a little hard to hit for some
reason.  Also, this is the fastest
machine I have EVER played!!!
2011-12-28 10:25:50
Skeeb Wilcox
Hi-Deal Horrible
Eric,If you're looking for the phaiycsl
address, it's written out at the bottom
of the article.  You can also find
addresses on our pinball list for any
location included. If you're looking for
the SPM's web address, then you're out
of luck if you're unwi
Eric,If you're looking for the phaiycsl
address, it's written out at the bottom
of the article.  You can also find
addresses on our pinball list for any
location included. If you're looking for
the SPM's web address, then you're out
of luck if you're unwi
2013-06-23 00:01:08
Anonymous coward
Firepower II Tolerable
Truly an impressive game.  I'm just
sorry that no home veisorn has ever been
able to recapture the excellent joystick
/paddle knob combo that is really needed
to play the game well.  Great fliers!
Truly an impressive game.  I'm just
sorry that no home veisorn has ever been
able to recapture the excellent joystick
/paddle knob combo that is really needed
to play the game well.  Great fliers!
2013-06-23 07:33:47
Anonymous coward
Aug11    I'll be there on Saturday
early.Look forward to meinetg more
players and collectorsfrom around the
state.  I'll have about 30 issues ofour
debut zine with me.  See you guys and
gals there.
Aug11    I'll be there on Saturday
early.Look forward to meinetg more
players and collectorsfrom around the
state.  I'll have about 30 issues ofour
debut zine with me.  See you guys and
gals there.
2015-10-12 04:38:41
Anonymous coward

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